Musiker und Komponist

Wilhelmi M:Mutations and (non-)Euclideaness non oriented matroids, preprint (2025)
Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Vertex-Shellings of oriented matroids, arXive, preprint (2023)
Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Sticky Matroids and Kantor's Conjecture, Algebra Universalis (2019)
Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Sticky matroids and Kantor's Conjecture (Extended Abstract),
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61 ((2017), 601 -- 606
Untersuchungen zur Sticky-Vermutung - Diplomarbeit 2016
Kolkom 2019Â - 'Node-Shellings in euclidean oriented matroids' - Paderborn
Eurocomb 2017 - 'the sticky matroid conjecture and Kantor's conjecture' - Wien
FernUniversität 2017 - 'Node-Shellings in euclidean oriented matroids' - Hagen
Kolkom 2016Â - 'hypermodular matroids'- Paderborn